lunedì 25 giugno 2012

The ballad of a Browncoat

Certe cose vengono in mente sempre nei momenti più strani. Mi chiedo se siano davvero coincidenze dovute al caso, ricordi sfumati che bussano alle esperienze del presente o... Non saprei davvero. Solo è da qualche ora che non faccio altro che pensare a questa ballata.

In front of the storm, i'll stand
In front of the storm, i'll tremble
I'll tremble, but i'll stand
In front of the storm, my limbs will be broken
In front of the storm, my heart will be broken
I'll be broken, but i'll stand
In front of the storm, the past will haunt me
In front of the storm, the present will scare me
I'll be haunted and scared, but i'll stand
In front of the storm, you'll say "Run, fool!"
In front of the storm, you'll say "You'll die, fool!"
I'll die, but i'll stand
I'll die, but i'll not run
In front of the storm, i'll stand
In front of the storm, i'll throw my soul beyond the fence
In front of the storm, i'll retain my pride
In front of the storm, i'll retain my honor
In front of the storm, i'll fall but...
...i'll stand

(Anonimo soldato indipendentista)

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